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How To Find The Right Conveyancer? 1 year ago

It's not uncommon to find yourself looking for a conveyancer Melbourne. Whether this is because you want to move home, or you've inherited property from a relative, there are plenty of reasons why you might need one. 

But with so many different options on the market, how do you know which conveyancer to choose? Here are some ways in which you can identify the best conveyancers for your needs.


Research. Before you start searching for a conveyancer, it’s important to research the various options available to you. The first thing to do is check online reviews and ask other people in your network whether they have any recommendations. 

You can also look up previous clients (if applicable) and find out how their experience with the company was. Another option is to check the website of each conveyancer and see if there are testimonials or references that can be helpful.

At this point, you should have a fairly good idea of what kind of service you want from your conveyancer—and now it's time to begin narrowing down your list!


You might think that experience is something you're paying for, but it's actually something you get. The more time a conveyancer has spent doing conveyancing, the more they can pick up on the red flags that mean they should be looking into something further (and therefore hopefully saving you money in legal fees).

When researching a conveyancer, look at how long they've been around and how many people they employ. If it's just one person working for them then this isn't necessarily bad... but if their website says "we have 5 staff members" then perhaps it's time to start asking some questions!

If possible try and find out how big their average file size is - this will give you an idea of the kind of work they deal with day-to-day. Also look at their average client satisfaction rating - again this will let you know what kind of experience your potential buyer has had with them so far.

conveyancer Melbourne


You should be able to find out how much your conveyancer will charge for their services by asking them directly, or browsing their website. Before agreeing to any fee, make sure that you know what is included in the cost and whether there are any extra charges. 

It’s also worth looking into whether other services such as searches or property inspection reports can be done at a reduced rate if they are done at the same time as your conveyancing work is being completed. If you think that something might cost more than you had expected, ask about how to negotiate this with your chosen firm.

Lifestyle Agreement Option

A Lifestyle Agreement is an agreement between you and your conveyancer Melbourne. It’s like a retainer agreement, which means it’s not legally binding but can be used to negotiate fees before entering into a formal legal contract, such as the one that will hold during the conveyancing process.

If you choose this option, it's important to understand that there are no set fees for lifestyle agreements and they don't cover all services offered by your conveyancer.


Don’t be afraid to ask questions. Make sure you get a good understanding of what being a conveyancer means and why certain things are done in the way they are. We hope this article has helped you on your journey to find the right conveyancer!