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How Drinking Organic Green Tea Can Improve Your Health? 2 years ago

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If you're looking for a healthy way to stay slim and improve your heart, then drinking organic green tea may be just the ticket.

A cup of green tea in the morning can help boost your metabolism and keep your skin looking younger. The best part? It's easy to do! Here are ways that drinking organic green tea can improve health and wellness:

Improves the quality of your heart

Organic green tea contains antioxidants that can help reduce the risk of heart disease and lower blood pressure.

Antioxidants in organic tea (also known as catechins) help prevent blood clots in your arteries, so they may also reduce your risk for heart attack or stroke. They may also lower cholesterol levels, which is important if you have high cholesterol levels.

The key is to drink organic green tea. Non-organic green tea may contain pesticides and heavy metals that can be harmful to your health.

Organic green tea also has some unique health benefits that non-organic green tea doesn’t. One study found that people who drank organic green tea had lower levels of certain bacteria in their mouths, which may reduce their risk for cavities or dental plaque buildup.

Another study found that people who drank organic green tea had a lower level of inflammation in their bodies than those who drank non-organic varieties.

Helps you breathe easier

Your body uses antioxidants to fight free radicals and prevent inflammation. That’s why we often hear that eating a diet rich in fruits and vegetables is good for our health.

The same goes for tea, which contains some of the highest concentrations of antioxidants in all of nature’s foods. Antioxidants help reduce your risk of asthma and other lung conditions, as well as allergies and even colds and flu!

If you have asthma, are pregnant or breastfeeding, have high blood pressure or diabetes, consult your doctor before drinking tea.

What are antioxidants? Antioxidants are molecules that can prevent damage to your body’s cells. They do this by neutralizing free radicals, which are unstable oxygen molecules that can harm DNA and cell membranes.

Reduces risk of type 2 diabetes

Green tea can reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes. Green tea contains polyphenols, which are powerful antioxidants that help lower blood sugar levels. The catechins in green tea can prevent the formation of blood clots and improve insulin sensitivity, which may also reduce your risk of developing type 2 diabetes.

There’s also evidence that drinking organic green tea may help with weight loss and improve brain function as well as lower your risk for heart attack and stroke.

Green tea may help prevent cancer. Research suggests that drinking green tea may help prevent certain types of cancer, including esophageal cancer and liver cancer.

A study of 4,000 people found that those who drank five or more cups of green tea a day had half the risk of esophageal cancer compared to non-tea drinkers.

Another study found that Chinese women who drank four or more cups of green tea per day had a lower risk for liver cancer than those who drank less than one cup per day.

May help lower blood pressure

Research has shown that consuming organic green tea on a regular basis can help to lower blood pressure. It is effective, but the effect becomes more noticeable with time and regular consumption.

For people who have high blood pressure, this may be especially helpful. The same goes for those who have high cholesterol: drinking organic green tea regularly could help reduce their risk of heart disease.

There is also some evidence that consuming organic green tea can help prevent cancer. It has been shown to inhibit the growth of several different types of cancer cells, including breast and prostate cancer cells.

It is important to note that this effect has only been seen when organic green tea is consumed in large quantities, which may be difficult for most people. It’s also not clear how much of an effect it would have on cancer rates overall.

Boosts weight loss efforts

Green tea contains caffeine, which is known to boost metabolism and speed up weight loss. Caffeine also boosts your alertness and concentration, so you're more likely to work out when you have some green tea before hitting the gym.

The caffeine in green tea inhibits the breakdown of carbohydrates in the body, which helps increase fat burning. Green tea also contains catechins that prevent carbohydrate absorption by slowing down digestion and reducing appetite.

Green tea is also high in antioxidants, which may help fight cancer and other diseases. Green tea has been shown to slow down the aging process by helping to prevent damage from free radicals that can lead to various diseases.

Green tea is also a good source of the minerals manganese and chromium, which help control blood sugar levels.

Maintains a healthy brain function

Green tea contains antioxidants that can help to protect the brain, and thus prevent cognitive decline. Drinking green tea regularly has been shown to reduce the risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease by up to 60%. It also helps you to maintain a healthy memory and focus throughout your daily life.

The antioxidants in green tea help to reduce inflammation and oxidative stress in the brain. They also protect neurons from damage, which can slow down the progression of neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s disease.

Green tea is also rich in flavonoids, which are a type of antioxidant that can help to protect the brain from cognitive decline. The flavonoids in green tea reduce inflammation and oxidative stress in the brain. They also help to prevent free radical damage to neurons, which slows down the progression of neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s disease.

Makes your skin look younger and healthier

Green tea contains potent antioxidants that neutralize free radicals in the body. Free radicals are harmful molecules that cause skin damage, and they're produced by sun exposure and other environmental factors like pollution. Green tea has anti-inflammatory properties that can help reduce skin inflammation, which causes acne breakouts and discoloration.

Green tea has also been shown to reduce oil production and sebum secretion, which can help clear up acne. Green tea can be used in both topical and oral forms.

Topical forms of green tea include creams, serums, masks and lotions. The best way to use these products is to apply them directly onto your skin after cleansing. You can also add a few drops of an essential oil blend containing cedarwood, lavender, rosemary and sandalwood oils into your cream or serum for added benefits.

Organic green tea is good for you!

Organic green tea is a natural antioxidant, which means it helps your body get rid of harmful toxins. It can also help you breathe easier, reduce your risk of type 2 diabetes and lower blood pressure.

Organic green tea has also been found to boost weight loss efforts by increasing metabolism and fat burning.

The most important thing to remember is that green tea is a powerful antioxidant. It has the ability to neutralize free radicals in your body, which can damage cells and lead to health problems like cancer.

Green tea is considered a powerful antioxidant, which means it helps your body get rid of harmful toxins. It can also help you breathe easier, reduce your risk of type 2 diabetes and lower blood pressure.

Organic green tea has also been found to boost weight loss efforts by increasing metabolism and fat burning. The most important thing to remember is that green tea is a powerful antioxidant.


Organic green tea is a healthy beverage that has many benefits for your health. It helps to reduce your risk of several diseases like diabetes and heart disease, as well as improving the quality of your skin.